Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Montana May 17 - the flight back to Houston

We got up and packed everything. Then we went to Swan Lake. The town of Swan Lake was beautiful on the beautiful lake - Swan Lake. The only business was a gas station/ gift shop. Then we drove back to turn in the rental SUV and go to the airport. The Kalispell airport only has one place to eat. But a great gift shop. We got to Minneapolis which is a fun airport. Lots of places to eat - I had pad thai - and lots of shops!! There was a g2g shop which is gadgets to go, so I was in heaven!! Got on the plane then and back to Houston. When we got home, the house was spotless!! Shout out to Allison for being the best pet sitter ever!! The cats were all happy because she came and played with them. They love their Allison very much!

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